Xperia XZ3 Premium will arrive in 2019 with Snapdragon 855 and 8GB of RAM


Sony is already working in its high range for 2019

Perhaps Sony is not the most popular maker of all, but has always managed to find a way to stand out among all the good news, because in this case, the Japanese media Sumahoinfo, published information on the existence of a high-end mobile Sony that could reach next year.

A benchmark test revealed the existence of a Sony mobile with Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 processor with 8GB of RAM whose apparent launch would not be expected for this year, but rather until # 39 to the next.

This terminal appears with the key Sony H8526 corresponding to the successor of ] Xperia XZ2 Premium, according to the numerology used. In addition, the test reported a score of 11,000 points in multicore, or 30% more performance compared to current phones equipped with Snapdragon 845.

The filtration does not reveal more details about the Xperia XZ3 Premium or the XZ3 Pro, but it gives us a taste of what Sony reserves for its next high-end 2019

About Sumahoinfo

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