Yeidckol attends the delivery of majority certificates to Guerrero


CHILPANCINGO.- Yeidckol Polevnsky National President of the Party National Regeneration Movement (Morena), went to Chilpancingo to witness the handing over of the record of the majority of the senators elected by this party, Felix Salgado Macedonio and Nestora Salgado García where he held that the new federal administration will carry out a purification in the dependencies to reduce the "airmen".

He said that the federal delegations will reorganize because there is a lot of duplication of work, special delegations will be formed which will be the direct team of the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador to attend any priority programs, "we do not want so much aviator, we want to be certain that there is not much that does not do anything, we want have the confidence that those who are going to be are the most reliable and those who work the most ".

Asked about the possibility of dismissing party members, Yeidckol denied it and said he would have readjusted

He also addressed the issue of the initiative of the autonomous prosecutor's office. He mentioned that this is a pending issue because until now nothing has been approved, despite the fact that his mention has been recurrent in recent months in the group of deputies and in the Senate, "they only addressed it as electoral positions, media, then we will wait, to see what is approved according to the law, and that is what we will do."

On the deconcentration of secretaries to the states, Yeidckol Polevnsky, explained that what López Obrador wants is that there are representatives of the federal secretariats in all the states, to promote regional development of each entity, especially with the generation of jobs.

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