Yell in Thailand for the rescue of 12 children and their trainer


The people of Chiang Rai took to the streets to celebrate the rescue of 12 children and their football coach who were trapped for 17 days in a flooded cave in the Tham Luang Complex

. The horn of their cars, families flooded the main arteries of Chiang Rai to express their happiness for the rescue of children and their thanks to the rescuers, after continuing for three days the dramatic rescue through television.

" They Are Our Heroes!" Shouted men and women of all ages, some with tears in their eyes for the miraculous rescue of all the children, who kept the Thais for long hours glued to their televisions, computers or cell phones.

The operation to remove the 12 children and their coach from the innards of the cave ended in the early morning, after the Navy had confirmed that the entire football team and his coach had been evacuated safely.

Players of the Boar Team were trapped since June 23 while they were exploring the Tham Luang complex after playing football because of heavy rains that flooded the tunnels into which they entered.

The chief of the rescue operation, Narongsak Osottanakorn, celebrated the rescue and took the opportunity to honor Saman Kunan, a Volunteer who died last Friday after taking oxygen tanks to one of the cave chambers. "He is our true hero.We would like to call him the hero of Tham Luang."

The families of Chiang Rai gathered in the vicinity of the hospital where the players were transferred to express their satisfaction and hope that the children will soon return to their normal lives. The first surviving children underwent radiological and blood tests. Two of them, who had symptoms of pneumonia, received antibiotics and are in a "normal state," said the doctors and said they would all stay under surveillance at the same time. 39, hospital for a week.

Four elements of the Thai Navy after completing the rescue mission. AFP / Royal Navy of Thailand

What happened in the 17 days?


> Saturday 23
The youth and their trainer enter the cave of Tham Luang to escape the rain after a training session. His disappearance is reported at night.
> Sunday 24
Rangers and police see hand and footprints at the entrance to the cave. Parents of young people begin to gather on the outskirts of the square.
> Monday 25
Thai Navy divers enter the cave in search of children
> Tuesday 26
Divers attempting to reach a room in which they are supposed to to be the infants, they leave the cave because of the rise of the water level.
> Wednesday 27
A team of more than 30 US military and three British divers joins the search operation.
> Thursday 28
The rains flood the interior of the cave. Pumps are installed to try to clear the access.
> Friday 29
Authorities visit the place and ask the families not to lose hope
> Saturday 30
Divers go further into the cave, but they are still far from it. where they thought. The players were there.

In Thailand, everyone, including media professionals, celebrated the rescue. AP / S. Lalit


> Sunday 1
The rescuers establish a base for the entrance to the cave.
> Monday 2
Finally, a miracle. British divers find alive the 12 children and their trainer
> Tuesday 3
Children receive food and medicine, while rescuers prepare themselves for the possibility that they stay in the cave during a time.
> Wednesday 4
Lifeguards teach miners how to use masks and scuba tanks
> Thursday 5
Authorities say the expected rains could force the rescue operation to go from the front.
> Friday 6
A Thai diver dies of a lack of oxygen after being supplied to the children.
> Saturday 7
Rescuers say the kids are not ready to dive safely. The parents of the children receive a message from the coach in which he apologizes for what happened
> Sunday 8
The divers lead the first four children to the outside of the cave.
> Monday 9
Divers save four more
> Tuesday 10
The remaining four players and their coach manage to leave the Tham Luang cave, ending a 72-hour operation.

Wild boars will not go The Wild Boar, the football team that was saved with his troglodyte trainer in Thailand, will not accept the invitation of the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA) to attend the final of the World Cup. World Cup in Russia

"The Thai Football Federation informed us that, for medical reasons, boys will not be able to travel to Moscow for the World Cup Final of ] FIFA ", in formed the governing body of football yesterday, after the rescue operation was completed.

During the weekend, FIFA President Giani Infantino invited wild boars to attend the final of the World Cup Sunday "The priority of FIFA remains the health of all those participating in it. operation, "added the largest football organization

. The leaders of the Federation will meet Sunday in Moscow with the leaders of Thai football. final "We will look for a new opportunity to invite children to a FIFA event, with the aim of sharing with them a moment of communion and celebration," said the organization in a statement.



Real Madrid will invite a first-team match at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium to the 12 miners saved. The Spanish club contacted the Spanish ambassador to Thailand to speed up the process

ManU stadium

The Manchester United team (ManU) offered the 12 children saved in a cave. from Thailand and coach visit Old Trafford Stadium. The invitation is also for lifeguards to be in England next season.

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