You will not believe how this young man gets rid of the thief


MEXICO CITY.- At the moment, getting out on the street is becoming more and more dangerous, the crime is more alive than ever and the authorities are remarkable for its absence.

Smartphones are the preferred property of criminals and by their small size are easy to tear and hide. Their value makes them a good investment since they can sell them completely or exhaust the coins.

To avoid being another victim, it is recommended to keep them away from the places where they are most vulnerable: the street, the bus, the subway, etc.

however , most people are usually when they like to use them, in the known "time-out".

Recently, a video was shown showing why not show them in lonely places?

In a street in Lima, Peru, a young man was checking his cell phone when he felt that someone from a suspect was approaching him. Without hesitation for a second, he threw his camera inside the house next to which he was

The offender apparently surprised by the action, inflicted no harm on the victim, who raised his hands to show that he had no more possession of any valuable object.

The recording published by Peru's REC page on Facebook already has 247 170 reproductions.

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