Young man entrenched at the University of Nicaragua receives a bullet in the head


Managua, Nicaragua (EFE) .- A young man who was entrenched in the state National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua) in protest against the government of President Daniel Ortega was wounded today from a bullet in the head as reported "so-called" protesters.

Photo: AFP file

"Paramilitaries ransacked the trenches of UNAN-Managua and one of the shots hit directly in the head of one of the young" and his condition is critical according to the University Coordinator Democracy and Justice, which brings together students from seven universities in the country.

The young man, whose identity has not yet been specified, was transferred to an emergency hospital in Managua where he remains in a coma with vital signs very weak, added this coalition of university students.

According to the coordinator, workers in the Mayor's office in Managua, accompanied by police, riot police, paramilitaries, paramilitaries and official shock groups, are trying to remove the barricades with which students take refuge .

Photo: AFP file

Nicaragua goes through a socio-political crisis that left about 285 dead in just over two months, according to figures from local humanitarian agencies, the bloodiest since 1980, with Daniel Ortega also as president.

Protests against Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, began with failed social security reforms, and became a demand for the president's resignation, after eleven years in power, with charges of murder. abuse and corruption against him. EFE

In this note:

  • Protestations
  • Nicaragua
  • Students
  • Balazo
  • Daniel Ortega

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