Youtube: The AK-47 Laser & # 39; exists and creators show their impressive power | Viral | trends


Faced with a wave of criticism that questioned its power and even its existence, the Chinese society ZKZM Laser published a YouTube video of the AK-47 laser in action.

The company released this document after several media raised doubts as to whether the weapon could ignite targets hundreds of meters away, reports South China Morning Post.

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Thanks to a clip on Youtube, the Chinese company ZKZM Laser has revealed images of the " laser goat 'horn, as it was popularly called, after the past Sunday, it was reported that Chinese scientists had developed an assault laser rifle, known as' laser AK -47 ".

Its developers claim that the radius of this weapon is powerful enough to cross windows and burn clothes in a fraction of a second.

But few believed in this announcement. In fact, an article published in the portal Techcrunch notes that "such a laser may be unable even to blow a balloon."

"There is simply no way for a laser powered lithium ion battery that a person can carry is able to produce the type of heat described at close range, much less at 800 meters, "they argued.

In response to critics and doubts about their power, the Chinese company revealed a video in YouTube where the weapon is seen from a roof, where the results leave no doubt about its destructive power.

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