YouTube: The Embarrassing Moment When The Japanese Rocket Explodes After Takeoff | Japan | Empty | Trade | World | News


In Japan everything was ready for the launch of the first privately made ship to reach the space but a breakdown in the engine thwarted the expected event. The video was shared in YouTube .

In the images we observe that after takeoff, the rocket named Momo-2 manages to stay in the air for a few seconds until a breakdown in the engine precipitates his He fell and flared up.

This happened in front of about 600 people who gathered on the island of Hokkaido to observe the planned launch. YouTube video shows the astonished face of the assistants to see that the rocket explodes.

Momo-2 was an unmanned rocket one ton, 10 meters long and 50 centimeters in diameter. by Interstellar Technologies Inc.

Company officials reported that the ship exploded around 5:30 am of Saturday, June 29, just after its launch in Taiki, Japan

The president of Interstellar Technologies, Takahiro Inagawa, apologizes for what happened and announces the beginning of an investigation to determine the causes of the failed take-off.

"I could not understand immediately what happened," Inagawa said at a press conference. "We could not achieve what we expected, I'm sorry about that."

This would be the second consecutive failure of Interstellar Technologies Inc., which seeks commercial space travel.

Last July, the company tried the first launch with the Momo-1 but aborted the attempt after losing contact with the ship after takeoff.

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