YouTube: The tragic end of a woman who tried to escape the police in the United States | Video | World


A 22-year-old identified as Brittany Nicole Jeffords was the protagonist of a spectacular police chase in the county of Florence, South Carolina, United States . The video has been viralized on YouTube.

The incident occurred on July 12, the recording – recently released – shows us a vehicle that had intervened for a breach of the highway code, according to authorities, initially the occupants refused to stop, but finally gave in. The man who accompanied Nicole Jeffords was abandoned

You can see YouTube: a pregnant woman with two girls was assaulted and threatened with death [19659004] While the subject was framed, the young woman stepped on the accelerator and fled at full speed agents. The persecution, as shown in YouTube's video lasted for several minutes, even at one point Jeffords entered an unpaved field.

As you can see on YouTube, Brittany Nicole is aboard a black renegade SUV and shows no intention of giving and surrendering.

After successfully evading about four police units, one unit manages to hit the vehicle causing it to lose control, after several turns of the bell the woman

Brittany Nicole Jeffords had some injuries and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

It should be noted that this week the woman reappeared and appeared in court where he is charged with impaired driving and not being stopped by a blue light from the authorities.

Police prosecutions are very common in the United States, therefore the vehicles have a shooting camera that manages to provide evidence against any complaints, this type of videos are very popular in YouTube .

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