Yucatán, champion of the King's series


The Yucatan Lions are the 2018 Champions of the Mexican Baseball League drastically winning 4-3 to Monterrey Sultans in the seventh play of the Serie del Rey being a historic night to become the first team to be crowned after winning all four home games.

12 years later, the hairy burst in Yucatán relaunching the title of the LMB, the Zaachila Cup, which accredit them champions of the biggest league in the country for the fourth time in its history.

The right stick to give his fourth hairy glory, in a night that will surely stay in the memory of thousands of fans.

Yoanner "Asere" Negrin looked superb during the 5.1 innings, where he only accepted two runs and lined ot two, being enough to stay with the triumph. The Cuban "star" was followed by impeccable relief Oscar Felix, Andrés Avila, Ronald Belisario, and Chad Gaudin, who pulled out the last two tickets to pocket the save. The defeat went to the account of Marco Tovar after receiving the four annotations of the animals.

The jungle had benefited 1-0 from the entrance of the good night with unstoppable to the central Jesus "Cacao" Valdez, who sent to the plate at Rubén Sosa with the run of the pool.

Sultans responded to do two races in his subsequent turns, supported by simple tug by Victor Mendoza, and fly sacrifice of Yadir Drake that they were 2-1

C is at the end of the third round that the Lions returned the game and headed for the victory by coming twice from "Pepón" Luis Juárez. , a huge success where he took Rubén Sosa in the lead

Yucatán equaled the mark with a new shot in the fourth, thanks to the second run of the series by the receiver Sebastián Valle. Already in the ninth, Monterrey sought to return to the table, but only reached to them to make another score in the spikes of Ramón Rios.

Luis Juárez, MVP of the Serie del Rey

The designated hitter of the wild beasts, Luis Juarez, was named most useful player of Serie del Rey, after his great performance in this game giving the blow that led to victory, in addition to his good offensive in all games in the series connecting 7 hits, 3 circuits and 6 points produced

"I have no way to describe as much happiness, it's a reflection of the great work of the entire team, thanks for the support to the fans today, we are all here enjoying the championship, "he commented. [ad_2]
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