Yucatán, first place in the national flu cases


Confirm 4 deaths

The Directorate General of Epidemiology of the Federal Ministry of Health published the results of epidemiological surveillance at week 28 of the year, which confirms four deaths in Yucatan caused by the flu, making it the number one because of deaths from this disease, followed by Quintana Roo, with three.

However, these deaths occurred before July 1 because, according to information from the mentioned leadership, the last deaths for influenza in the country were recorded in the week of June 24 to 30, with two deaths.

In total, there are already 13 flu-confirmed deaths in the country up to epidemiological week number 28, which covers July 12, since from week 21 of the year it is considered that there is an interstate influenza season.

Positive influenza cases confirmed during this period are 225, which they are lower than in 2017, while during the same period, 252 cases and 13 deaths were confirmed for this cause

Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Veracruz, Tamaulipas and Tabasco have so far concentrated the highest number of cases of influenza, with a 75.1% of the country

The Yucatan comes first in number of cases, 92 confirmed, representing 40.9% of the total in Mexico, and four deaths. Quintana Roo follows him with 17.38% of the cases in the country, and three deaths.

Data from the General Directorate of Epidemiology of the Federal Ministry of Health indicate that in the 26th week of the year; that is to say between June 24 and 30, the highest number of confirmed cases of influenza was recorded in the country, with 56, followed by week 27, which includes July 1 to 7, with 52 cases.

None was confirmed at the end of week 28, which is between July 8th and July 12th.

Cases of influenza-like illness and severe acute respiratory infection recorded in the country between week 21 and 28 of the year totaled 4,194, of which – as already mentioned – 225 were positive for influenza

As regards cases by type of influenza, 169 AH1N1 were registered, with 11 deaths; 42 type B, with two deaths; 11 of type A, with zero deaths, and three of type AH3N2, with zero deaths.

These figures represent a circulation of 75% influenza in the case of H1N1, 19% of type B, 5% of A and 1% of H3N2

The most affected age groups have between 40 and 49, between 30 and 39 and between 20 and 29.

The above-mentioned dependence indicates that the Institute for Diagnosis and Epidemiological Reference has identified mutations related to antigenic changes in the virulence or pathogenicity of the influenza virus, and there has been no of viral resistance to oseltamivir, salt used in the treatment of this disease.

According to information provided by Liomont Laboratories, the World Health Organization recommends as an antiviral treatment of choice this drug, which works to stop the spread of the influenza virus in the body.

Since 2016, the patent has been released from this body. edicamento in Mexico, so that biocomparable options are developed that have the therapeutic qualities of the original molecules in terms of safety, quality and efficiency, they say.

Specialists suggest starting treatment with this medication within two days of flu symptoms or after contact with an infected person, although they should always consult the doctor before taking the medication.

Regarding the availability of the drug, Antonio Pascual Feria, president of the National Association of Pharmacies of Mexico (Anafarmex), says that they have made sure that all pharmacies in the states, in particularly the Yucatan and Quintana Roo, who are the most affected, have the availability of oseltamivir as a preventive measure during inter-state influenza season.- IRIS CEBALLOS ALVARADO

Among the symptoms of the disease that are the cause warning to go to the doctor, they are: fever of 38 degrees or more, cough and intense headaches, joint pains, muscles, chest, pain when eating, stomach and diarrhea.

Ministry of Health Disease Respiratory Disease

The Federal Agency reported that four people died in Yucatan because of the flu.

Preventive Call

Some recommendations to reduce the probability of exposure and transmission of the virus


Washing followed by the hands and use of antibacterial gel, performing "l & # "Sneezing the label" which means covering the inner corner of the elbow while sneezing, because the transmission of the virus occurs from person to person, by saliva droplets when coughing or sneezing. It is also suggested to stay at home if there is respiratory disease present.

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