Yucatan Lions celebrate the title



A few months ago Luis Juárez was another sultan, today he is the king of the jungle. The player, who made his professional debut in Monterrey (and played his first nine seasons there), moved to the Lions this season and on Thursday, he scored a two-run homer in the seventh game to give the Lions Yucatan. It was so that they were crowned in the League of Baseball of Mexico (LMB) .

I will always be grateful for the opportunity that the Sultans have given me, but today I have to defend another jersey and thank God. he heard during the celebrations.

In addition, he was named the most useful player of the final series. The Yucatan have won the Sultans in seven games and is the first LMB champion, according to his new scheme that covers two tournaments in a season.

For Yucatan it is the fourth championship of the franchise and the first of the last 12 years. The most recent was made in 2006, when he also beat Sultans.

The Lions also became the first LMB team to be crowned by winning all four games of the final series at home. The long-haired men won the first two in the Kulkulkan, then lost the next three in royal territory and returned to their lands to win games 6 and 7 and keep the crown.


Director Roberto Vizcarra earned his third title in six years in the Mexican baseball league. The first two he managed in 2013 and 2015 at the head of the Tigers of Quintana Roo. He was also champion in 2017 with Águilas de Mexicali in Liga del Pacífico



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