Yucatan, with more growth in influenza cases


The most punished

For four weeks, Yucatan is the state with the highest rate of influenza cases in the country, its highest peak in the first days of July.

The National System of Epidemiological Surveillance (Sinave) indicates that up to epidemiological week 27 – with a reduction to 7 July – there was a ratio of 110 cases of influenza in Yucatan, 52 between them – almost half – from 1 to 7

The data do not coincide with those reported yesterday by the Yucatan health sector. As noted in a separate note, at a press conference it was reported that until Epidemiological Week 28 – a report more advanced than Sinave, although it was said that It covers until July 12, only five days longer than the national report – confirmed 92 positive flu cases in the Yucatan, out of a total of 998 studied, with four people killed.

Of the 110 cases that appear in Sinave's latest weekly bulletin, 46 correspond to men and 64 to women. All suspects are not tested for confirmation. As a result, the number of actual patients would be much higher.

With its 52 officially declared cases from July 1 to July 7, Yucatán is ratified as the state most affected by the disease so far this year.

Behind him appears Quintana Roo, with 65 confirmed patients during this calendar, 16 of them in the first week of July.

In other states, there is a low incidence of cases diagnosed with influenza. Without the Yucatan 52 and the Quintana Roo 16, the other states do not seem to have many problems with this disease these days.

To get an idea of ​​the low incidence, behind the peninsular states lies Veracruz, with only five confirmed cases in the last week of the report.

There are 22 states that do not even have statistics on influenza patients treated last week.

The situation of Quintana Roo becomes relevant because of the tourist activity in this entity.

In Yucatan, the school holidays were favorable, because when the students do not show up in the halls of

There are dependencies and official institutions that have taken their own precautions, such as the l & # 39; use of antibacterial gel.

In Cendi 1 of Isstey, which is located at 59th Street, between 36 and 38, staff decided to remove the mandatory "filters" after reporting that several influenza cases had been detected in the nursery area

. conditions of an epidemic, the "filter" is more harmful than beneficial, as this implies that the mouth, nose, hands and even diapers of babies are controlled, which could aggravate the problem with greater contagion .

yesterday, the passage was "direct".

Behind the flu, the biggest threat for Yucatanese remains chickenpox, whose cases this year are nearly 30% higher than those of 2017. ÁNGEL NOH ESTRADA


Others Nitrogenous diseases for Yucatan

Like the flu, chickenpox and conjunctivitis have become "fond" of the Yucatan.

The Case of Chickenpox

Behind the flu, the biggest threat to Yucatecans is still chicken pox, whose cases this year are nearly 30% higher than those of 2017.

Growth [19659003] According to the statistics of the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance (Sinave), until the end of June, 2,655 cases of chickenpox had been diagnosed. the entity, against 2,040 in the same period of 2017.


As for conjunctivitis, also at the end of the first half of the year there was a record of 10,930 affected. In 2017, at these same heights, there were 13,797. In the hemorrhagic variety there are six.

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