Yunes presents works of art confiscated from Duarte; "they are no more", the answers of the former governor


July 27, 2018

Yunes Linares argues that less than four months after the end of his government, more property that belonged to Duarte was recovered.

Photo: Special

The governor of Veracruz, Miguel Angel Yunes, yesterday inaugurated the exhibition "Formal Interpretations", consisting of 16 works by authors such as David Alfaro Siqueiros, Fernando Botero and Leonora Carrington, who were confiscated at home from former employees and relatives of former governor Javier Duarte and who are valued at eight million dollars.

"All these works, which are today in a public gallery, were previously in the living room, in the dining room, in the bedroom, in the playroom, from one of the families who served or who would have served Veracruz and they used the resources of the Veracruzians, "assured the governor during the inauguration of the exhibition at the Galera de Arte Contemporneo de Xalapa.

The president explained that the works that are part of the galley are recovered rum in properties like El Rancho "El Faunito", a residence in Valle de Bravo, as well as in a cellar in Crdoba.

He assured that it was a "reminder that this government was determined to fight against corruption thoroughly and we did it before taking possession of it, and these works of art were a great success. Art safe and classified, which are already part of Veracruz's heritage, are the clearest example of how this government marked a milestone in the fight against corruption. "

Yunes Linares predict that less four months after completing his administration, more assets will be recovered, but the assets of Javier Duarte administration officials will not be completed.

"We will recover more but not all, it was a very complicated fight, the plot that these people have armed and hatched to hide the money and hide the property is huge, the Attorney General Jorge Winkler did an excellent job of investigating, how the properties were integrated, who participated, how they sold the buildings to hide them ", puntualiz.

Given these statements, the former governor of the entity, Javier Duarte, sent a letter to the program of Ciro Gmez Leyva in which he says that he does not know where to take the works Yunes Linares.

Duarte de Ochoa assures that he does not know where the paintings that Yunes has presented as his because they do not belong to him.

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