Yuri Cortez, the photographer who was kissed by Croatian footballers


Yuri Cortez is the photographer who was photographed and kissed by Croatian footballers, thanks to the excitement of Mario Mandzukic's second goal, with which they sealed their ticket to the 2018 World Cup final in Russia.

"By the time I took the picture, when they came in front, I changed the angular lens because I knew that it was very close, they started pushing themselves because they came to party, then I felt that the chair was coming down, but since I already had the camera I was not stopping to take pictures Yes (surprised the kiss), but they did not did not know who it was, then they asked me if I was fine "he says to Record. What a story, gentlemen! ?? • Croatia celebrates the goal of the final ⚽ • Croatians are part of a photographer's celebration ? • Among the emotion, life gives him a kiss … Here he tells ALL! 19 pic.twitter.com/q53t5Q6hBj

– Ernesto Pérez (@Nery_Ernesto) July 11, 2018

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Yuri is originally from El Salvador but is currently working at the AFP Mexico agency, and has been in our country since 2010 and after being overthrown by Croatian footballers, Domagoj Vida has not hesitated to kiss the photographer and ask him if he was fine.



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