Zebra shares the future in parcel delivery


Major changes due to the arrival of drones, autonomous vehicles and outsourced deliveries

Zebra Technologies Corporation leader in the market for mobile computers, scanners and barcode printers, enhanced with software and services enabling real-time business visibility, announced the results of its study on the future of omni-channel operation, which analyzes how the transport, logistics and logistics companies (T & L) ) are preparing to meet the growing needs of the economy In response to the current online consumer who uses smartphones and who wants a purchase experience faster and easier the. study revealed that 78% of logistics companies expect to deliver the 40% provide for delivery within two hours for the year 2028 . In addition, 87% of respondents intend to outsource deliveries or use a network of drivers to execute specific orders by 2028. [19659003] Key Data of the Study

  • Only 39% of respondents in the supply chain indicated that they operate at the omnichannel level. The survey found that for a third of respondents, the reduction of overdue orders is the biggest challenge to achieve omnichannel order fulfillment, followed by the allocation of stocks and shares. transport costs.
  • 76% of retailers surveyed use store inventory to complete online orders, and 86% plan to set up online shopping with in-store pickups next year. Retailers are investing in store upgrades to function as online order centers and reduce sales space to accommodate returns and collections from e-commerce.
  • Worldwide, 87% of respondents agree that acceptance and management of returned products is a challenge. The increase in free and fast delivery corresponds to an increase in returns, an expensive concern that retailers are struggling to manage effectively across different models of purchase. Seven out of ten respondents agree that more and more retailers will turn stores into centers that are perfectly suited to returns. More than 60% of them do not offer free delivery or expected return the same day, while 44% will outsource the management of returns to a third party.
  • Although 72% of businesses use delivery codes. 55% still have inefficient processes. By 2021, 94% will use laptops equipped with barcode readers for omnichannel logistics, which will improve efficiency by providing faster access to management systems. warehouse.
  • inventory management with RFID technology grow by 49% in the coming years. RFID tagging software, hardware and solutions offer a complete and up-to-date inventory search, which increases buyer accuracy and satisfaction, while reducing shortages or overstocking and mispricing. replenishment.
  • Decision-makers have revealed that next-generation supply chains will reflect connected business intelligence and automated solutions that will add speed, accuracy and reliability to customers. profitability in transportation and in the workforce. Interviewed executives expect the most disruptive technologies to be drones (39%), autonomous / driverless vehicles (38%), mobile technology (37%) and robotics (37%).

The accuracy of stocks will continue to increase in North America . Manufacturers, logistics companies and traders rated the current accuracy at 74% and said they needed to be at 83% to control the increase in omni-channel logistics.
  • Shipping rates and returns are changing in Latin America. About 40% of respondents plan to suspend free delivery, 55% expect to make a free delivery and 61% predict the disposal of return facilities administered by outside companies.
  • Eight in ten respondents With decision-making power, they are in agreement that e-commerce is driving the need for faster delivery. In Brazil, 73% of respondents are of the opinion that e-commerce requires faster deliveries to buyers. In Mexico, 60%; Chile 45% and Colombia 37%
  • Latin American decision makers surveyed are still developing their omnichannel supply chains but are also trying to offer flexible compliance options and try new ones Approaches, which include addresses and / or collection in the warehouse for online shopping. Only 41% of respondents consider that they operate at an omni-channel level; 57% is in plan mode. These two figures are reflected in each country as follows: Brazil, 45% consider having an omnichannel operation and 54% are in plan mode; Mexico, 33% and 65% respectively; Colombia, 41% and 55% and Chile, 34% and 63%, as the case may be.
  • Latin American retailers are striving to provide consumers with a 24/7 shopping opportunity Buyers are looking for a continuous experience in sales channels of retailers. As a result, retailers must have a strong compliance strategy and a comprehensive and integrated approach to meeting the needs of consumers.
  • Eight out of ten respondents in Latin America at T & L expect to deliver the same day in the next five years; 46% expect delivery in two hours within ten years. In Brazil, 27% plan to deliver within two hours in five years and 40% in ten years; In Mexico 33% and 51% respectively; in Colombia 34% and 56% and in Chile, 33% and 42% as appropriate
  • Study Methodology

    • Study on the future of omni-channel operation of Zebra interviewed More than 2,700 transport and logistics professionals The studies were conducted in collaboration with Qualtrics in 2017 in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, France and Germany. , United Kingdom, Italy, Russia, Spain, China, India, Australia and New Zealand.

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