Although many fans have come to admire the way Machine Gun Kelly handled business in its infamous beef with Eminem, a feud that saw him attack the rap god with the incendiary “Rap Devil”. While some were reluctant to applaud the Gunner for his efforts, there are some who actually admired the way he stood up to such a devastating opponent with much more experience in warfare. Still, Stan’s numbers are legion, and MGK quickly found themselves on the receiving side of their relentless counterattack, emboldened even further after the release of Em’s “Killshot”.

The backlash became so severe that it actually had a noticeable impact on the sales of Diablo Hotel, as theorized by Machine Gun Kelly in a recent conversation with Dave Franco for Interview Magazine. In fact, he bluntly confirms that his audience perception was at an all-time low after beef, despite doing like any rapper. “As a hip-hop album, [Hotel Diablo] is flawless back and forth, and also a hint of how the way I got into a pop-punk album was evolving, “he explains.” But it came from the tail of this infamous [with Eminem]. So no one wanted to tell him the time of day. “

“It’s like making a crappy movie and releasing a good movie right after, but people want to focus on the fact that they hated what you just did,” he explains. “What I did in the beef was exactly what it should be, but this project was not welcome. The next album came from feeling that I had already counted, so I didn’t even care. not what the public would think. ”

Regardless of what you might think of Machine Gun Kelly, one simple truth needs to be recognized and downright respected. He was called up on “Not Alike” and responded with “Rap Devil” within days, ready to engage against one of rap’s most formidable lyricists. While he may have gotten a complete gender change these days, MGK deserves his accessories to keep his cool.

Check out Dave Franco’s full interview here, and ring the bell – do you think MGK Diablo Hotel deserve a second chance?