Miami Cafe kicks off the new year with shock after customer leaves $ 2,021 tip


Kelly Amar told CNN that her family had been operating Miami Squeeze for a year and a half and that tip meant the world to them. The customer arrived on Friday and her bill was $ 71.84. The tip amount that she wrote is a tip of 2,814%.

“He was a regular customer who came in once or twice a week, and it wasn’t what we expected,” she says.

Amar said when the employees realized it was for $ 2,021, they went back to the customer to make sure she intended to leave such a big tip.

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“We went back to her and asked her, ‘Are you sure?’ and she said, “Yeah sure, I’m so grateful for you guys and I want to give back … I want to start the new year and give that to you guys,” “Amar said.

The tip will be shared among the 25 restaurant staff as a gift. The owners also shared their gratitude by posting a photo of the bill on the restaurant’s Instagram account.

“We can’t even begin to express how grateful and humble we are for our amazing clients who have kept us in business,” according to the caption on the Instagram post. “Even though we’re just a small juice bar, we take great pride in taking care of our customers, we’re not just in the food business, we are in the people business.

Amar, who is in charge of marketing for the company, said she and the employees were very grateful because when Covid-19 hit, the 30-year-old establishment had to let a large part of the staff go and that it was just the family that worked to fill the orders.

“2020 is over and 2021 has started well so far!” she said.

Business at the restaurant is almost back to pre-pandemic levels and the family plan to open a new location soon, Amar said.


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