Michael Cohen asks Democrats in House to keep him out of jail


In 30 days, Michael Cohen, a former lawyer and advisor to President Trump, must go to jail to serve a three-year prison sentence for, among other things, cheating banks and evading taxes on incomes $ 4,134,051. Lanny Davis, the media-friendly lawyer, told his client "that he's going to prison for conduct that benefits Mr. Trump almost entirely and is even directed by him," he said. -he declares.

Davis did not explain how Cohen's banking fraud and his inability to tell the Internal Revenue Service about $ 4,134,051 in revenue from his lucrative taxi medal business had been committed to Donald's benefit. Trump, and Davis did not explain how Trump had ordered Cohen to commit these crimes. The crime prosecutors say Trump ordered Cohen to commit, a violation of campaign funding stemming from the payment of Stormy Daniels, is often punishable by a fine.

Beyond that, even though we accept Cohen's alleged hesitation that Trump would have ordered him to commit another crime, lie to Congress, other convicts guilty of lying in the Trump-Russia investigation were sentenced to very light sentences. George Papadopoulos, a former short-term Trump campaign collaborator, was sentenced to 14 days.

And yet, Cohen has somehow three years, which, despite Davis' argument, could be related to his beliefs for defrauding banks and concealing $ 4,134,051 from the IRS.

Whatever it is, Cohen has now come up with a new ploy to avoid going to jail. In a letter to some Democrats in the House, Davis said that Cohen, who swore to say the "whole truth" in the testimony before Congress on March 26, 27, 28 and 6, has now found more truth to say. And Cohen will be pleased to tell Congress if lawmakers can convince federal prosecutors in New York to "postpone" the date he will go to jail.

Davis told the Democrats that Cohen "was only recently" able "to access" a computer hard drive that, according to Davis, contains over 14 million "important documents" files. . Davis did not explain why, recently, Cohen had been able to access the reader, but this could have a connection with the reader seized by law enforcement and used to pursue Cohen. Now that the proceedings are over, according to Davis, Cohen is reviewing the records himself – he has only been able to read 3,500 documents so far – and he wants Congress to know what prosecutors have known for a long time. But he needs help.

"Mr. Cohen needs time, resources, and help to separate these 14 million personal and privileged records so that the rest is available for review by various Congressional committees who have sought his help to fulfill their oversight responsibilities under Article I, "writes Davis. . "Mr Cohen is ready to do that – but it will take time, effort and immediate accessibility for members of Congress and their staff to help them provide the relevant documents."

And how did Cohen do this in prison? Better to let him stay free, phone in hand, ready to talk to Congress in a moment – not for himself, but for Article I of the United States Constitution.

Davis has often insisted: "Mr. Cohen must be readily available and immediately available to provide ongoing Congressional assistance to enable him to fulfill his executive oversight responsibilities," he wrote. The Cohen team hopes the Democrats will help New York attorneys to "recognize the need for Mr. Cohen to be readily available for the Congress."

Davis noted that he had sent the letter only to Democratic lawmakers because the Republicans did not seem interested in learning more about Cohen. The real situation is even worse. Not only do Republicans no longer want to hear more, but they are actively working to ensure that Cohen, who has already pleaded guilty to lying once in Congress, is prosecuted for lying again in his testimony. in February and March. It is certain that Cohen will be one of the people. Republicans in the House will refer to the Department of Justice for prosecution for false testimony in his last appearances.

Cohen's hopes, as they are, are therefore based on Hill's Democrats. It seems an exaggeration to believe that prosecutors and a court would decide that Cohen should not go to jail for tax evasion and bank fraud so he can stay close to the Democrats in the House. But that's all that Cohen has for the moment.


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