Michael Cohen combs his hair before ending up in jail


I must look good in prison!

Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, began his last weekend of freedom in his Midtown Manhattan neighborhood, having his hair cut to one hundred dollars, having coffee and lunch at Barneys.

Along the way, hugs and handshakes from the Upper East Siders crossed over the sidewalk or greeted him at his table.

There was no answer – just the silence – to the Big, Big House questions posed by The Post before going on Monday to the federal tribune in the north of the state of Otisville for a three-year stay .

Are you ready for the prison? Does any one advise you on how to survive indoors? Oh, and have you ever thought, when you started working for Donald Trump, that you would be locked up and that Trump would be, in the words of the president, "totally exempt?"

Just silence on all that.

"Hello," Cohen told a Post reporter and reporter, leaving his apartment with his son Jake on Saturday morning.

"Be careful, do not stumble," he politely advised his little press, while he and his son, an undergraduate student from the University of Miami, were heading to the Viand Cafe, located nearby, for a quick cup of tea. Next stop, haircut.

The former "repairman" moved into Eddie Arthur, Madison Avenue, where a man's cut starts at $ 95, by appointment only.

It's very different from the prison's hair salon, where taxpayers pay for hair care, and pedestrians are welcome, but many guards make sure you do not go out.

The refined pair then headed for Madison Ave. and East 60th St., for lunch in the chic Fred's cafe, located on the 9th floor of Barneys.

There, they joined a small group of relatives and friends, and Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis, who told Associated Press prosecutors that he had rebuffed Cohen's repeated offers to denigrate the alleged acts. allegedly of Trump.

The only time he showed anger while he was enjoying his free time as a free man, arrived after lunch.

He asked a photographer to leave his family alone, explaining: "Trump has already caused them enough damage."


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