Michael Cohen reviews Trump while he shows up at the jail: "There is still a lot to be said"


Michael Cohen, the former president's attorney who has since forcibly denounced his former boss, told reporters on Monday that "there was still a lot to be said" when leaving his apartment in New York to visit a federal prison sentenced to three years imprisonment. to many crimes.

"There is still much to be said and I look forward to the day when I can tell the truth," Cohen said in a brief statement to reporters.


In an apparent gesture against President Trump, Cohen also said: "I hope that when I join my family and friends, the country will be in place without xenophobia, without injustice and without lying to our country".

Cohen faces a 14:00 deadline to report to the federal prison Otisville, a federal prison located 120 km northwest of New York.


Lanny Davis, Cohen 's attorney, said Monday: "I am confident that when he comes back, Michael will continue to be appreciated by the millions of Americans who admire the courage that he has. He has shown to stand up to Donald Trump's hate machine and put his family and country first. "

Cohen – who has already stated that he was ready to "take a ball" for Trump before turning against his boss, notably during a televised testimony at the Congress broadcast on national television in February, pleaded guilty last year for falsifying his finances, escaped the taxman and lying in Congress. about Trump's past business dealings in Russia.

During his hearing before the House committee in February, Cohen said of Trump: "He is racist. This is a scammer. And he's a cheater. "Cohen has repeatedly expressed regret and said:" Yet I have continued to work for him. "

The punishment, although not being the maximum sentence, represents a remarkable fall for the accusing lawyer who for years was part of Trump's restricted circle.

Among other charges, Cohen pleaded guilty to violating campaign finance laws during the 2016 campaign by helping orchestrate payments to silence the former Playboy model, Karen McDougal, and adult actress Stormy Daniels, who claimed to have had sex with Trump during her marriage. Trump denied the business and was not charged with any crimes related to payments.

Cohen also pleaded guilty to misleading Congress about his work on the proposal to build a Trump skyscraper in Moscow, concealing the fact that he had continued to talk about the proposal to the Russians until 39 at the end of the presidential campaign. Prosecutors also accused Cohen of a "multi-year" tax evasion scheme designed to avoid paying federal taxes on more than $ 4 million made under several lawsuits. projects, including holding taxi medallions, selling real estate in Florida and consulting working for other clients.

After going to jail, Cohen will undergo medical and mental screenings and be assigned a job, such as mowing the field or cleaning the visiting room. He will also have clothes, bedding and towels.

In the prison camp, about 115 inmates sleep in bunk beds lined up in barracks-style rooms, instead of single cells or two-persons as in high security institutions. Recreational amenities include a tennis court, horse shoes, and a pétanque ball.

Forbes has one day ranked Otisville among the "10 Mildest US Prisons", but former employees and inmates argue that this is not really a "Fed Club". Prisoners still have time to spare and are still separated from family and friends.

Cohen's fellow detainees include Mike "The Situation", a Jersey Shore star, Sorrentino, who is serving an eight-month sentence in tax evasion, and Billy McFarland, a fraudster at Fyre Festival, who is serving a sentence of six years.

Tara Prindiville and Mike Emanuel of Fox News, as well as the Associated Press, contributed to this story.


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