Michael Cohen should visit the minimum security prison on Monday


Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, goes to jail on Monday to serve a three-year prison term for campaigning, tax evasion, banking fraud and liars in Congress.

Cohen spent his last weekend of freedom trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy: he left his building in Manhattan on Saturday with his son to go to a coffee shop and then to a hair salon. They both had a haircut. The next stop for Cohen was the nearby Barneys New York store, where he told reporters that he planned to hold a press conference Monday before going to jail.

Cohen remains the only person accused in a scandal involving silent payments for adult movie star Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal, who threatened during the presidential campaign to talk about alleged deals with Trump.

Cohen began to publicly launch as an alert launcher less than three months after the FBI raid on his home and apartment.


He gave a series of tantalizing teasers that there was "more to come", beginning with an interview last July in which he entrusted George Stephanopoulos, ABC News presenter, that he n & # 39; He was more faithful to Trump. Dribble over in the next few weeks. Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis, has released a tape of his client and Trump discussing one of the secret installments.

However, this effort was largely welcomed by an uncompromising approach on the part of federal prosecutors.

The New York investigators built their case for months without talking to Cohen, and then finally agreed to meet him on a Saturday last August, just days before he pleaded guilty.

At the meeting, they issued an ultimatum: plead guilty or be indicted in the coming days. After the meeting, Cohen also claimed that his wife could be charged with financial crimes if he did not cooperate.

Although the former president's lawyer goes to jail, the Otisville, New York, federal prison located about 70 km northwest of New York, is a bit more upscale than most other detention.

"It's going to what I would describe as" a Jewish paradise, "Larry Levine, founder of Wall Street Prison Consultants and former inmate, told Reuters.

Jack Donson, a former prison director who now runs a consulting firm in prison, described the prison as "an ideal place for white-collar Jews."


Cohen is to be housed in a dormitory in the prison's minimum security camp, where he will have access to a full-time rabbi and a cafeteria serving unleavened bread soup, gefilte fish and rugelach, pastry as well like snacks like the Doritos chips and Diet Sprite.

The camp is not fenced and occupants have few jobs, including cleaning or garbage disposal.

Cohen can also expect that it will be much easier to deal with other inmates than in a stricter prison.

"You will find that because the detainees have such clearly defined release dates, they do not want to do anything to get them to stay in jail any longer," said Justin Paperny, a former inmate who heads the consulting firm. . White-collar tips.

Associated Press contributed to this report.


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