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Mr. Leavelle, a veteran detective who survived the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, was handcuffed to Mr. Oswald and took him to a basement of the police station on November 24, 1963, when Mr. Ruby, a proprietary disc, came out of the crowd and pumped a deadly bullet into the prisoner. The shooting, accompanied by Mr. Oswald's painful grimace and Detective Leavelle's wounded look, was captured by Robert H. Jackson of the Dallas Times Herald in an iconic photograph that won the Pulitzer Prize the following year.

A few moments before, Mr. Oswald and he had a disturbing exchange, often told later by Mr. Leavelle. "Lee," he recalls, saying, "If anyone pulls on you, I hope that he will succeed as well as you."

To which, he said, Mr. Oswald replied: "You are melodramatic".

At the time, two days later President Kennedy shot down in a motorcade passing through downtown Dallas, Oswald was suspected of killing a Dallas police officer, JD Tippit, and still had not been conclusively linked. at the assassination. But after Detective Leavelle asked him if he had shot at the officer, Oswald had aroused his suspicions by saying, "I shot no one," as if, later, Mr. Leavelle had said he had another shootout.


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