Michael Jordan donates $ 1 million to the victims of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas after the storm


The Bahamas were ravaged by Hurricane Dorian, but stimulus efforts are getting a boost thanks to the huge gift of an NBA legend.

The former Chicago Bulls actor, Michael Jordan, announced Tuesday that he would give a million dollars to relief efforts in the Bahamas.

"I am devastated by the damage caused by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, where I own and visit frequently," Jordan said in a statement, shared on Twitter by his spokesman and director, Estee Portnoy. "My heart goes to all those who suffer and to those who have lost loved ones."

Jordan said he would continue to monitor the situation in the Bahamas and select non-profit organizations where his funds would have the greatest impact.

This is not the first time Jordan has intervened to help relief efforts in the event of a hurricane. He gave even more money and time after Hurricane Florence hit North Carolina last year.

The NBA star has surprised locals in his hometown of Wilmington by distributing food and shoes for Thanksgiving, CBS Chicago reported. As owner of the Charlotte Hornets, he also involved the team in filling emergency boxes in Charlotte that were shipped to areas affected by storms.

Jordan has also donated a total of $ 2 million to the Red Cross and the Foundation for the Florence Carolines Hurricane Action Fund.


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