MICHAEL ROSFELD NOT CULPABLE: LIVE UPDATE: Protests continue on day three after Michael Rosfeld's guilty verdict


PITTSBURGH – A jury found Michael Rosfeld, a former East Pittsburgh police officer, not guilty of criminal homicide for shooting Antwon Rose and killing him.

The reaction was swift on both sides. Below, you will find the last reaction when she intervenes.

Photos: Community Solidarity Service for the Antown Rose Family

UPDATE 4:46 PM Sunday: NAACP President in Pittsburgh, Richard A. Stewart Jr., issued a statement on the verdict in the Rosfeld case:

The Pittsburgh Chapter of the NAACP extends its sincere condolences to the family and loved ones of Antwon Rose, Jr. We remain committed to helping his family get justice for their son and to prevent future injustices like this.

As a retired law enforcement officer, I spent more than 30 years with the Allegheny County Sheriff's Office and I was personally involved in situations involving dangerous criminals and fugitives with multiple criminal histories and drug traffickers in disadvantaged neighborhoods. I started my career in Pittsburgh where I worked for a year and a half as a police officer.

Yes. There were times when, in the performance of my duties, I had to take out my weapon, but I never had to fire my weapon at unarmed individuals.

Former Pittsburgh East Police Officer Michael Rosfeld was not allowed to shoot and kill Antwon Rose, Jr. Officers are not trained to kill arbitrarily. They are trained in protection, service and survival in the performance of their duties, but only if another life is threatened.

The Pittsburgh Branch of the NAACP is asking all Allegheny County Police Services to provide us with their policies and procedures regarding implicit bias, as well as evidence of training related to the same implicit bias.

The Pittsburgh Chapter of the NAACP still has a lot to do on behalf of its members and citizens of the City of Pittsburgh. We are committed to doing our best to be our best.

UPDATE 1 pm Sunday: Hundreds of people gathered again at Freedom Corner, in the Hill District neighborhood of Pittsburgh, where religious leaders from several churches are calling for change.


UPDATE 8:20 PM Saturday: The demonstration is over.

The Pittsburgh Public Security Department said there were no arrests or incidents.

UPDATE 7.30 pm Saturday: The event returned to Schenley Plaza and all Oakland roads are open again.

UPDATE 6:44 PM Saturday: Fifth Avenue has reopened. Protesters are now in Forbes and Atwood.

UPDATE 6:40 PM Saturday: Protesters have now moved to Forbes Avenue.

Police said they closed Forbes Avenue as a precautionary measure.


UPDATE 6:35 PM Saturday: Protesters went to Fifth Avenue, which is now closed, according to Pittsburgh Public Safety.

UPDATE 18:14 Saturday: The protesters moved to Fifth and Bigelow. The intersection is blocked and traffic is backed up, according to Pittsburgh Public Safety.

UPDATE 6 pm Saturday: The protesters closed Forbes Avenue in Oakland.

UPDATE 17h30 Saturday: The protests resumed at Schenley Plaza in Oakland.

UPDATE 17 hours Saturday: Pittsburgh Public Safety said the protest was finished and peaceful from start to finish.

UPDATE 16h30 Saturday: The gathering and walking of the city center ends at the market square.

UPDATE 4:15 PM Saturday: The Armstrong tunnels have reopened.

UPDATE 16:02 PM Saturday: The protesters returned to the city center.

According to Pittsburgh Public Safety, the Armstrong tunnels are currently closed as they progress.

UPDATE 3:15 PM Saturday: Protesters block the streets and intersections of downtown Pittsburgh.

UPDATE 15:04 Saturday: Protesters move into downtown Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh police said they were on the scene to close roads for security reasons.

UPDATE 2PM Saturday: Stop the Violence Pittsburgh organizes a solidarity service after the verdict.

Channel 11 has a team of journalists covering this trial all week. Watch streaming on the WPXI Now app for Roku, AppleTV and Amazon Fire Stick.

UPDATE 1:43 PM Saturday: The Allegheny County Attorney's Office issued the following statement:

"As was said last night, our office did not agree with the verdict and we understand the frustration of all those who hoped for and hoped for a different outcome." However, the community must realize that when such frustration becomes hateful and violent, there will be consequences for those involved in this behavior. "

UPDATE 12:13 pm Saturday: Protesters are now going to the Baptist Church of Mount Ararat.

UPDATE 11:46 AM Protesters continue to march through the streets of East Liberty and Shadyside.

UPDATE 11:05 AM The East Liberty protesters entered the Indigo Hotel and chanted "Antwon Rose III" and "Three Backstrokes".

Click here for the latest updates on Michael Rosfeld's verdict of not guilty.

Rose family lawyer Fred G. Rabner also issued a statement following the acquittal.

It goes without saying that our legal team is sick and saddened for Antwon's family and friends right now. And although we can not take advantage of what has already happened today in the criminal courts, I now turn to Antwon's inflexible supporters and with fire in my heart, I tell you, THIS IS NOW, our turn!

This is not a complex problem. An officer can not serve as a judge, jury and executioner in a few seconds, at a street corner, with almost no information at his disposal. When Officer Rosfeld lifted his gun and fired three shots in a second in the back of an unarmed Antwon Rose, which posed no threat to Rosfeld or to others, he did not know if any something was in his pockets. he did not know if there was anything in his hands; and he certainly did not know if anything was hidden under the seats of the car that he had gone out.

Make no mistake, nothing is reasonable or appropriate about how Constable Rosfeld murdered Antwon, and we will prove it unequivocally in the Federal Court. With the discovery process at our disposal, I assure you that we will not neglect anything.

UPDATE 22:45: Protesters cross the community of East Liberty and block at least one intersection. Channel 11 has a team of reporters throughout the region and will have live coverage from 11 am to 11 am.


UPDATE 22:34: The Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety has been preparing for the verdict for several weeks. Hundreds of officers have undergone special training since protests last summer blocked traffic on Parkway and blocked downtown streets.

If protests occur, the Pittsburgh Police will be there to keep everyone safe – including protesters, residents, business leaders and visitors to our city.

We know from experience that when Pittsburgh is in trouble, we are a community.

UPDATE: 10:30 pm: Lee Merritt, Antwon Rose's family lawyer, issued a full statement in response to the jury's decision, just one hour after her announcement.

"Although the family of Antwon Rose is devastated by the fact that former officer Michael Rosfeld was acquitted today, she is grateful for the support provided by the community and by many people in everything. the country.

Although the facts of the case seem clear, namely that Antwon Rose was shot in the back while he was fleeing officer Rosfeld; the verdict of the jury was strongly influenced by flaws in Pennsylvania legislation that contradicted the protections accorded to citizens by the US Constitution.

The Antwon family and I will work to change these laws to prevent other families from experiencing the same disappointment.

We will also focus our efforts on the responsibility of those responsible for the Antwon death through our plainclothes suit.

The fight for justice is never easy, but we will make every effort to protect the memory and legacy of Antwon Rose. "

UPDATE 22:26: The Mayor of Pittsburgh, Bill Peduto, sent a two-part statement on Twitter claiming that his heart was with the Antwon Rose family.

UPDATE 22:11: District Attorney Allegheny County, Stephen Zappala, issued a statement in which he states that he does not agree with the verdict but that the verdict of the jury is respected.

I've always thought that the criminal justice system belonged to the people. The best example of this is when 12 men and women sit in a room and discuss the best way to judge one of their peers. the entire criminal justice system is built.

Although I respectfully disagree with their verdict, it is the people of this state who decide on guilt or not guilty and they have spoken about it.

In the interests of justice, we must continue to lay charges in situations where the charges are appropriate, regardless of the role a person plays in the community.

UPDATE 9:47 PM Protesters in the streets started blocking cars in areas around the courthouse.

UPDATE 9:30 PM: Lawyers from both sides spoke and protesters took to the streets. Channel 11's Michele Newell stood in court as a group began to sing.

The Rose family's attorney, Lee Merritt, said that he did not agree with the way the law on the use of force was written and that "the law was not in force. he worked with the family in the treatment of the verdict.

"Antwon Rose was shot in the back, who killed him, he was unarmed, he did not threaten the policeman or the community." And the verdict says today. it is acceptable, it is an acceptable behavior of a policeman.And on behalf of the family of roses, the African American community and lovers of justice, we say that this is is not acceptable, obviously something has to change. "

Defense lawyer Pat Thomassey congratulated the jury for its decision and said the Rosfeld family was relieved.

"I have no question in my mind that it was the appropriate verdict." I give a lot of credit to this jury.It was a very difficult case.You know, I would point out that this is not a good thing. It's not an all-white jury … There were African-Americans on this jury, they listened to the facts, they listened to the law and, in my opinion, they gave the right verdict. "

Click here for the latest updates on Michael Rosfeld's verdict of not guilty.

UPDATE 9:15 PM The jury has just announced a guilty verdict for Michael Rosfeld.



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