Michael Wolf Snyder Dead: the mixer of his “ Nomadland ” was 35 years old


“Nomadland” production sound mixer Michael Wolf Snyder died by suicide, according to his father, David Snyder. He was 35 years old.

Snyder’s body was found in his apartment in Queens, New York, by his father on March 1 after his friends and family had not heard from him for several days.

David, a psychiatrist, posted on Facebook on March 4. “Michael committed suicide last week and was not discovered until I went to see him on Monday after he had abandoned contact for several days.” he wrote. “He has suffered from major depression for many years. For most people, it is a disease that increases and decreases over the years. I’m sure Michael has struggled to spend most of the last year alone in his tiny apartment in Queens, responsible for the fight against the coronavirus. Despite that, we all thought he was okay, and for most of the past year I think he was. He has seemed particularly cheerful and invigorated in recent months as he was able to resume work on several different film projects. He was certainly thrilled with all the accolades for Nomadland and told us many happy stories about his work on the film and the amazing people he was able to spend time with.

Snyder also worked with ‘Nomadland’ director Chloe Zhao on ‘The Rider’ in 2017. “On ‘The Rider’ and ‘Nomadland’, I always watched Wolf after every take,” Zhao said. “I didn’t wear headphones on set so I relied heavily on Wolf to be my ears. He nodded at me with a gleeful smile, or tears in his eyes, or sometimes he would quietly flag “one more.” During “The Rider,” Wolf suggested an idea that we later picked up on “Nomadland” – recording the sounds of the room longer than necessary to experience silence. After jostling over each spot, we sat together, in silence, listening, listening and honoring the world around us and each other. I will always miss him. He would always be with me on set, after every take, and in the silence of every tone in the room. See you soon, my friend.

“Nomadland” star Frances McDormand said in a statement, “Wolf has recorded our heartbeats. Our every breath. To me he is ‘Nomadland’. “

A statement released on behalf of the entire cast and crew of ‘Nomadland’ says, ‘As our hearts break with the loss of Wolf, we hope it is heartwarming to know that his spirit will live on for. still in every laugh he recorded, every breeze, and every gallop of a horse. He was part of our little film family and his caring soul touched us all. Wolf really brought our film to life. We extend our condolences to his family on behalf of the entire “Nomadland” business. See you soon, my dear friend. “

Searchlight Pictures said in a statement, “We extend our deepest condolences to Wolf’s family and our friends, the ‘Nomadland’ company.”

Snyder began his career in 2011 as a boom operator on the thriller “Occupant”. On the television side, his credits include Amazon’s “Good Omens”.

“It’s sad to hear that Montana sound man Mr. Wolf Snyder has passed away,” “Nomadland” star Charlene Swankie wrote on her Facebook page on Saturday morning. “Wolf had great focus, a kind heart and an indelible mind. He made the sound on “Nomadland”. So if you are watching this wonderful movie, take a moment to pause, close your eyes, and listen to all the beauty it has captured.

Director Yuval David also took to Facebook to express his condolences. “Take a moment of your room tone in loving remembrance of Mr. Wolf Snyder,” he wrote. “Michael Wolf Snyder was the super cool award winning sound mixer who recorded on the audio set of the last feature film I made. His tragic loss is painfully heard. No matter the noise or the silence, watch people to make sure no one is feeling alone. Depression drags people into dark despair. Be the light to help them – even if you think they already have a light, give them an extra light of love, kindness, and hope. “

Read David Snyder’s full Facebook post below:

Hello again. I am David Snyder, father of Michael Wolf Snyder. Her mother, brother and I are so touched by the outpouring of love and support we have seen on Facebook. We’ve always known how much Wolf loved his movie work; it was the brightest point of his life. We had no idea how many people he had reached and how many held him in such high esteem. I would like to share a little more about what happened in the hope that it might help others.

Michael committed suicide over the past week and was only discovered when I went to see him on Monday after he dropped contact for several days. He has suffered from major depression for many years. For most people, it is a disease that increases and decreases over the years. I’m sure Michael has struggled to spend most of the last year alone in his tiny apartment in Queens, responsible for the fight against the coronavirus. Despite that, we all thought he was okay, and for most of the past year I think he was. He has seemed particularly cheerful and invigorated in recent months as he was able to resume work on several different film projects. He was certainly thrilled with all the accolades for Nomadland and told us many happy stories about his work on the film and the amazing people he was able to spend time with.

Unfortunately, we believe he was gone before he could attend the Golden Globe Awards.

We’ll never know what has changed over the past two months, but even her love for her family, as well as her love of cinema and her family of films, was not enough to defeat her demons. People have asked if his death was linked to Covid. I think we can assume it played a role in the form of increased isolation and loneliness, but it was definitely more than that. Major depression is a serious illness, causing gloomy feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness in the belief that nothing can help them. And it’s not a rare disease, affecting at least 15% of all of us at some point in our lives. These days, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and there are many effective therapies available.

I’m a psychiatrist who couldn’t save his own son, in part because he didn’t want to share the depth of his pain. But I know that most people with this disease will recover with the right help and support. I hope the shocking nature of Michael’s death inspires others to speak out, risk being vulnerable, and seek the help they need. It is such a tragic waste that a temporary worsening of despair can end a life with so much promise.

Thank you all for sharing the love and respect you had for Wolf. It has helped us more than we can tell.

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or go to SpeakingOfSuicide.com/resources.


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