Michelle Obama calls on Facebook and other platforms to ban Trump forever


U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama speaks during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the United States, Monday, July 25, 2016.

Daniel Acker | Bloomberg | Getty Images

Hours after Facebook announced it would block President Trump from posting new posts until inauguration day at the earliest, former First Lady Michelle Obama called on social media platforms to ban it permanently of their platforms.

“The time has come for Silicon Valley companies to stop allowing this monstrous behavior – and to go even further than they have done by permanently banning this man from their platforms and putting in place of policies to prevent their technology from being used by the country’s leaders to fuel the insurgency, ā€¯Michelle Obama said in a note posted Thursday on Twitter.

Her post addressed many issues, including the stark contrast between the way rioters were treated on Capitol Hill Wednesday and the violence suffered by Black Lives Matters protesters over the summer, and said she is praying to them. Americans give to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala. Harris a chance.

Until yesterday, Trump had mostly gotten a free pass through Twitter, Facebook, Google’s YouTube, and other social networks, which allowed him to freely post lies and conspiracy theories during his presidency, sometimes only reporting that they presented disputed information.

Facebook’s decision to block Trump followed a day of gradually increasing restrictions on its rioting activity, spurred by unsubstantiated allegations of Trump’s election fraud, invading Capitol Hill and occupying offices there.

Additionally, Twitter temporarily suspended Trump’s account on Wednesday, and Google’s YouTube Thursday imposed new restrictions on channels that post videos with false election statements.


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