Michelle Obama’s speech sparks most social media interaction at Democratic convention


Michelle obamaMichelle LeVaughn Robinson Obama Democrats are desperately pushing the “ peaceful protesters ” illusion that Biden has shown the way back to light – will Americans take it? Biden draws highest Democratic convention TV ratings, but down from 2016 MOREThis week’s Democratic National Convention speech generated the most social media interaction of any address at the event.

According to NewsWhip data reported by Axios, there were 7.56 million social media interactions – such as likes, comments and shares – on stories about the Monday night speech from the old premiere. lady.

Former President Obama’s speech on Wednesday had the second most interaction, while former Vice President Joe bidenJoe Biden Biden says he would shut down the United States in the middle of a pandemic if scientists said it was necessary Harris mocks Trump’s attacks in an interview: They are “ designed to distract ” Biden, Democrats get a boost at digital PLUS conventionThursday’s speech formally accepting the 2020 Democratic nomination came third. They collected 1.5 million and 1.4 million interactions, respectively.

Many of the social media posts that sparked interactions for Michelle Obama’s speech were the ones that got users to watch or read the entirety of her remarks, while others focused on her comments which President TrumpDonald John Trump, CEO of parent company National Enquirer, resigns Biden says he would shut down the United States amid a pandemic if scientists said it was necessary for Warren to call members of the board of directors of the postal service to return DeJoy or resign PLUS is “over his head” and “the wrong president for our country”. There has also been a great deal of interaction between Republican users because of his remarks that the Trump administration has put children in cages.

Michelle Obama confused Trump in her speech, urging viewers to vote against someone she felt was not qualified for the job.

“Let me be as honest and clear as possible. Donald Trump is not the right president for our country,” she said, wearing a gold necklace spelling out the word “vote.” “He’s had more than enough time to prove he can do the job, but he’s clearly over his head. He can’t meet this moment. He just can’t be who we need to be. let it be for us. “

The data included interactions for the entire week starting Friday morning.

The data showed that left-wing audiences were more drawn to intrigue about the Obamas as well as Republicans who appeared to support Biden, while right-wing publications received traffic for videos showing the pledge of allegiance recited without “sub. God”.


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