Michigan appeals court announces latest defeat against Trump campaign lawsuit


The Michigan Court of Appeals on Friday dismissed an appeal from the Trump campaign that tried to stop ballot counting among other alleged problems in Wolverine state, calling the effort moot.

The 2-1 decision marks the latest defeat for the Trump campaign, which has filed various lawsuits in an attempt to challenge the election result showing the president-elect. Joe bidenJoe Biden Court of Appeals accepts White House to embezzle military funds for building border wall Federal student loan payment suspension extended by month Pentagon: interim meeting between spy agencies, transition by Biden slated for early next week PLUSvictory.

The court said the campaign lawyers did not follow the proper procedure when filing the complaint. Although the appeal initially began on November 6, it was not filed until November 30 – a week after the state certified its election results, validating Biden’s victory, according to the filing.

The court concluded that the only valid recourse at the time would have been to request a recount, but the window to do so had passed.

“Because the plaintiff did not follow clear Michigan law relating to these matters, their action is moot,” Judge Stephen Borrello wrote in the order.

Dissenting judge Patrick Meter argued that the appeal should be heard by a panel of three judges, arguing that “the questions are not moot because state voters are not yet seated, the Electoral College is not yet met and Congress has not yet met. “

The order confirms an earlier ruling in early November that denied Trump’s attempt to stop absentee vote counting.

The move marks the latest denial in a string of recent legal losses for Trump and his legal team.


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