Michigan hospital ends relationship with Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins ​​over vaccine stance


The hospital announced the cancellation of its deal with Cousins ​​after refusing to say at a press conference if he was vaccinated, calling it a “very private health decision.”

“While we recognize that each person has a right to their own views, those speaking on our behalf should support messages that match the hospital’s position on issues of vital importance to individual and community health. “the hospital said in a statement. “For this reason, Holland Hospital will stop using Kirk Cousins ​​as a spokesperson for the time being.”

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Cousins ​​spoke to the media after being placed on the team’s Covid-19 protocols when he was named a close contact of a teammate who tested positive for the coronavirus earlier this week. Collins said he was “at peace” with his choice.

Holland Hospital said it was “proud” of its association with Cousins, but “we need to be sure that our communications on the COVID vaccination are consistent and unequivocal,” the statement said.

Last year, Cousins ​​said he was taking a “survival of the fittest” approach to the pandemic.

“If I get it, I’ll be fine,” Cousins ​​said. “I’m going to let nature take its course. A survival of the fittest type approach. And just say, if it knocks me out, it knocks me out. I’m going to be fine. You know, even if I die. If I die. , I’m dying. I kind of have peace about it. “


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