Michigan residents reminded to protect themselves from mosquito bites


LANSING, MI (WILX) – The Michigan Department of Health and Social Services (MDHHS) reminds residents to protect themselves from mosquito bites after confirmation of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in the state .

On August 12, two EEE cases were confirmed in horses in Kalamazoo and St. Joseph Counties. Both horses were not vaccinated against the virus and both animals died.

The MDHHS said that there is a vaccine available for horses, but not for people.

"These deaths in equines indicate that EEE virus activity is on the rise and warns that human cases could also occur," said Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, head of medical services and deputy director of health of MDHHS. . "Michigan residents are urged to take precautions and protect themselves from mosquito bites."

The MDHHS reported that the southwestern part of the state was experiencing epidemic outbreaks of this mosquito-borne disease in horses and humans, with the most recent outbreaks dating back to the early 1980s. The MDHHS stated that the virus was one of the most dangerous diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.

The MDHHS stated that residents can stay healthy by following the steps to avoid mosquito bites:
• Apply an insect repellent containing the active ingredient DEET or other US Environmental Protection Agency approved product to exposed skin or clothing and always follow the manufacturer's instructions.

• Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants when you're outside. Apply an insect repellent on clothes to avoid stings.

• Make sure mosquito nets stay outside windows and doors.

• Empty mosquito breeding sites around the house, such as buckets, unused ponds, used tires or similar sites where mosquitoes can lay eggs.

• Use mosquito nets and / or fans over outdoor eating areas.

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