Mickey Callaway of the Mets expelled for playing balls and strikes against the Rockies


The best I can say, 10 of the 15 teams in the AL league still consider themselves "in the running", while apparently only the Giants and Marlins are at this stage put on sellers before the deadline.

At 28-32 and five games from last place in the Wild Card, the Mets are currently part of the NHL teams on the fence. To hit 90 wins, which is usually necessary to reach the playoffs, the Mets will play baseball .560, which is not impossible. If that happens, start now, especially this week playing against the Giants and the Rockies at home.

This is not going to be easy, however, especially with several underperforming key players, badly treated or on the injured list. In the best case, the Mets are slightly above .500 and are within reach of the Wild Card by winning or dividing each series by the end of July. Hope this level of success would make buyers.


Edwin Diaz, Robert Gsellman, Noah Syndergaard, Seth Lugo, Zack Wheeler,

Matthew Cerrone

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