Microsoft brings Halo to Steam, pigs fly


Microsoft announced today that it was bringing the Halo Master Chief Collection on the PC – not just in his own store. Instead, he launches the five games in the collection, with Halo: Reach, steam. In other news, we have just learned that hell is starting to get a bit icy today.

By validating long-standing rumors that the collection would end up on Windows, Microsoft revealed the news via Inside Xbox. In addition to the main collection, which includes Halos 14 and Halo 3: ODST, the company also threw in Halo: Reach. So, you know … just the basics. The games will be published in an unusual and offbeat way, with reach go out first. Each game will be available for an individual purchase. According to developer 343 Industries, it's about "making sure everyone is right, while giving players a chance to get involved right away, instead of waiting for the whole suite of games to be over."

It's not really a surprise to see the remastered collection arrive on PC eventually – Halo is one of the jewels of Microsoft since the first game. The shock is that the game is coming to Steam. Although the company has released some PC games via its own store in the past, it has never (except fallout) released any of the popular FPS titles on the Valve platform. And why should he, now that he has his own perfectly usable PC store? The most likely explanation is that, despite the growing competition, Steam still has the scope wanted by Microsoft will have to offset the investment of transferring six whole games to another platform.

Steam, meanwhile, has everything to gain from the popular franchise. The PC platform is struggling with the powerful and unexpected Epic Games Store. With these latest independent games – and some big names – left and right, I would not blame some Valve employees if they breathed a sigh of relief. Halo went to them.

Meanwhile, Microsoft has clarified that reach would soon be available for owners of Xbox One Master Chief Collection – though, oddly, multiplayer mode is added for free, while Campaign and Firefight modes would be a premium addition.

The Master Chief Collection page is already online on Steam, but it has not been opened for pre-orders yet. The company has not yet specified the cost of each game.

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