Microsoft Flight Simulator’s real-time snow looks magical


Shortly before the Christmas holidays, the developers behind Microsoft Flight Simulator has released a new free update for the cutting edge platform. It introduced virtual reality for those with high end machines, and it also added real-time snow effects all over the world. On Monday, the team released a lavish new trailer showing off their virtual snow machine, and it just looks magical.

Flight simulator relies on more than two petabytes of Bing Maps imagery, including satellites and photogrammetry, to create a realistic simulation of the entire planet’s surface. But this kind of data can only be captured clearly on a clear sunny day. This limitation has effectively locked the world into a never-ending summer since the game’s launch in August 2020. Now the team at Asobo Studio has guessed a way to map the virtual snow above those summer landscapes in time. real. It’s a remarkable technical feat, and it makes the already magnificent game even more inspiring to watch.

The next step will naturally be to add fall colors to the menu. Asobo could add that with one of the four or five global updates or three big simulation updates promised throughout 2021, all of which will be free to owners. The next major update will add more details about the UK. Microsoft Flight Simulator is also set to launch for the Xbox Series X this summer.


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