Microsoft relaunches PowerToys with open source tools for Windows 10 savvy users


Microsoft's renewed enthusiasm for open-source projects is creating an unexpected child of love that may cause a real break in PC veterans. PowerToys, a set of tools for experienced users, designed for enthusiasts of Windows 95 to XP, will be back this summer as a preview with a pair of Windows 10 utilities, and many other projects will be examined.

The modern PowerToys suite is hosted on GitHub, as noted by The Verge this morning. The two projects that launch the effort seem really useful.

powertoys maximize at the new office Microsoft

The Enlarge button at the new desktop.

The first, called "Maximize to the new desktop," takes advantage of virtual desktops that remain one of the most useful Windows 10 tools you may not be aware of. It brings up a popup button when you hover over the Minimize button of an application. "By clicking on it, you create a new desktop, send the application to this desktop and maximize the application on the new desktop," says the Readme file. Cool!

powertoys window shortcuts Microsoft

An overview of how the Windows Shortcut Guide tool in PowerToys might appear.

The second utility is a simple, but essential, keyboard shortcut guide. If you hold down the Windows key for more than one second, a shortcut shortcut guide appears, indicating "shortcuts available for the current state of the desktop," which means that the shortcuts you will see are contextualized for the task to be performed. Once again: cool! Frankly, I'd love it to appear as a native feature of Windows 10 if it works as well as it should.

These two utilities might just be the beginning. Microsoft is currently reviewing 10 other PowerToys utilities, described in the project's Readme file:

  1. Full window manager with specific provisions for docking and unstacking laptops
  2. Keyboard Shortcut Manager
  3. Replacement Win + R
  4. Best alt + tab, including integration of browser tabs and search for apps running
  5. Battery stalker
  6. Batch file name
  7. Quick swap resolution in the taskbar
  8. Mouse events without focus
  9. Cmd (or PS or Bash) from here
  10. Navigating the Content Menu Files

Since reactivated PowerToys are open-source projects, Microsoft needs help developing these tools and wants to know which of the other utilities to study should be prioritized. "Use points and +1s to guide the project," argues the GitHub page. Appointment and start helping if you want to do your part to revive this legend.

Between this terminal and the Windows terminal greatly improved, this summer promises to be excellent for PC enthusiasts who like to get their hands dirty!

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