Microsoft rethinks the interface of the Windows 2 tablet for 1 of 1


For those of us who use 2-in-1 systems running the Windows 10 operating system, such as the popular Surface range, Microsoft is looking to improve the overall experience of the next few months.

The latest version of Windows 10 Insider Preview Build (18970) of Windows 10 includes a modification of the UI display when using a 2-in-1 mode in tablet mode : when you fold or delete the keyboard completely.

(Image credit: Microsoft)

Specifically, the interface retains more of its desktop aesthetic when you switch to tablet mode. Instead of displaying a full-screen start menu filled with mosaics and hiding the taskbar icons, the desktop will remain visible and other settings friendly to the tablet. happen.

This involves keeping the taskbar icons while spacing them for easy typing, as well as reducing the search bar to an icon, displaying the touch keyboard via an icon, or tapping a field. text, and optimize the file explorer. touch interface.

When these changes are released publicly, you will not be prompted to switch to tablet mode if your device deems it necessary, although the mode still exists as an option.

For the moment, the changes are only available for 2-in-1 device users in the Windows Insider program (Windows tablets retain the old interface). Only a few of them have access to Microsoft, while Microsoft evaluates the quality of the changes.

It is currently considered a beta feature, but as with all features built into the Insiders program, a publication should not be too far away, even after some fine-tuning and fine-tuning.


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