Microsoft Reveals 'Minecraft' Has An Astonishing 112 Million Monthly Players


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It's been pretty clear to anyone paying attention that Minecraft has been seen recently, but now we can quantify that to some degree.

This week, Microsoft has told Business Insider That Minecraft has rocketed to 112 million monthly players, a 20 million increase over the last time they reported those figures in October 2018. This is a game that is now a decade old, and more relevant than ever.

Other than "it's good and people like it" there are any number of explanations for the recent explosion of Minecraft. There was a new update on the year that added a lot of new content. 100 million subscriber YouTuber PewDiePie is credited with bringing back the game in the "influence" scene, with his channel practically devoted to nothing but Minecraft the last few months. And then there's the slow fade of Fortnite as players transition out of that megahit and back into other games, Minecraft among them.

MinecraftIt is not even more free Fortnite. Microsoft Xbox Game Pass as a move to the game.

Fortnite seems to know that Minecraft is pulling away players, which is why we have seen the birth of Goal Minecraft remains the original, and should only keep capitalizing on its popularity with future releases Minecraft Dungeons, which combines the original with Diablo-like dungeons and looting.

All in all, the chorus I keep hearing from Minecraft This is a game of snowball effect n many people returned to the world, they felt like they could have joined the game at once.

Microsoft's $ 2.5 billion purchase of Minecraft They are very popular at the time, but they are now playing in the world. I am willing to bet that 112 million monthly players is more than Fortnite has right now, and possibly only with mobile titles at that scale. It's deeply impressive.

Expect Minecraft to live forever, and to continue Minecraft Dungeons and Minecraft Earth, the AR play that will take you Pokémon GO next.

Follow me & nbsp;on Twitter& Nbsp;Facebook& Nbsp; and & nbsp;Instagram. & nbsp; Read my new sci-fi thriller novel & nbsp;Herokiller, available now in print and online. I also wrote & nbsp;The Earthborn Trilogy.


It's been pretty clear to anyone paying attention that Minecraft has been seen recently, but now we can quantify that to some degree.

This week, Microsoft has told Business Insider that Minecraft has rocketed to 112 million monthly players, a 20 million increase over the last time they reported those figures in October 2018. This is a game that is now a decade old, and more relevant than ever.

Other than "it's good and there is a lot of explanations for the recent explosion of Minecraft. There was a new update on the year that added a lot of new content. 100 million subscriber YouTuber PewDiePie is credited with bringing back the game in the "influence" scene, with his channel practically devoted to nothing but Minecraft the last few months. And then there's the slow fade of Fortnite as players transition out of that megahit and back into other games, Minecraft among them.

MinecraftIt is not even more free Fortnite. Microsoft Xbox Game Pass as a move to the game.

Fortnite seems to know that Minecraft is pulling away players, which is why we have seen the birth of Goal Minecraft remains the original, and should only keep capitalizing on its popularity with future releases Minecraft Dungeons, which combines the original with Diablo-like dungeons and looting.

All in all, the chorus I keep hearing from Minecraft This is a game of snowball effect n many people returned to the world, they felt like they could have joined the game at once.

Microsoft's $ 2.5 billion purchase of Minecraft They are very popular at the time, but they are now playing in the world. I am willing to bet that 112 million monthly players is more than Fortnite has right now, and possibly only with mobile titles at that scale. It's deeply impressive.

Expect Minecraft to live forever, and to continue Minecraft Dungeons and Minecraft Earth, the AR play that will take you Pokémon GO next.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new sci-fi thriller novel Herokiller, available now in print and online. I also wrote The Earthborn Trilogy.


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