Microsoft shows the office of the future 2019


It's been several years since Microsoft unveiled its vision of the work and, instead of releasing a new video this year, they introduced their 7,000-square-foot vision center in Redmond, Washington, to reporters. .

Because less CGI is used, the proven technology is much more realistic. Although there are still massive screens and augmented reality headsets, much of the innovation relied on software, in this case primarily Fluid Framework.

Fluid Framework divides documents into modular components that can then be recombined in different ways. This, for example, allowed Microsoft to create a welcome screen with your recent documents and other information in a data feed and to combine components by dragging and dropping. Several users could collaborate at the same time and Microsoft imagined that artificial intelligence merged text, photos and videos in a unique style.

"The underlying architecture can handle any type of data," says Mike Morton, program manager at Fluid Framework at Microsoft. "We have not shown any audio or video … but I will say that the underlying technology is fully compatible with that."

The technology would be open and integrate with the Web, which means that it could go far beyond Microsoft.

To support this vision, Microsoft is also studying hardware, such as Surface Hub 2, as well as a Surface Hub Wall, which combines projection technology with central surface sensors to turn walls into smart surfaces that support voice input functions. .

Microsoft is also designing Surface Hub horizontal desktop devices, which would be a fusion of Surface Hub and Surface Studio, where users could generate, combine, and manipulate Fluid Framework documents and components. Microsoft is also considering the possibility for Cortana to lend a hand, organize, organize and transcribe meetings, suggest relevant documents and generally act as a digital secretary.

"The world we are working in is undergoing dramatic changes at a really fast pace," says Anton Andrews, who heads the vision center.

Screen capture and source: The edge


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