Microsoft would have tried to buy Nintendo


According to a new oral history report, Microsoft has apparently decided to buy Nintendo to secure first-party games for its Xbox games division. But in response to the proposal, the Japanese video game company not only declined the offer, but mocked Microsoft executives.

“Steve [Ballmer, Microsoft’s former CEO] took us over to Nintendo to see if they would consider acquiring, ”said Kevin Bachus, former Microsoft’s third-party relationship manager for Xbox. “They just laughed their asses off. For example, imagine a time when someone is laughing at you. That was sort of how this meeting went.

In the early days of Xbox, Microsoft met with plenty of developers with offers to help expand the game offering for its flagship console. The report goes on to note that at one point Microsoft was in talks to enter into a partnership with Nintendo, operated by its cutting edge technology.

“We actually had Nintendo in our building in January 2000 to work on the details of a joint venture where we gave them all the technical specifications for the Xbox,” Bob McBreen, then head of Xbox business development. “The pitch was their stinky material, and compared to Sony PlayStation, it did. So the idea was, “ Look, you’re a lot better in the parts of the game with Mario and everything in between. Why don’t you let us take care of the material? But that did not work.

Visit Bloomberg to read the full Microsoft Xbox Oral History.

In case you missed it, graphics cards will be more expensive in 2021.


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