Microsoft Xbox Elite 2 Controller: The Best Professional Gamepad Becomes Even Better


The Microsoft Xbox Elite controller is the absolute reference on the professional gamepad market since its release in 2015. No professional controller has achieved the level of build quality, aesthetics and ergonomics that Microsoft has provided with its version first generation. The only device I have personally in the personal use of these controllers on all platforms is the C40 TR Astro for PlayStation 4 and PC.

Now, Microsoft finally announces an update of the Xbox Elite, called Xbox Elite Series 2, which will bring essential updates to its premium gamepad. The edge I spent a few minutes with a demo version of the Elite 2 here at E3. Even though I do not have any practical experience of how he plays during a live match, I can say that it's the best, the lightest. , and the most powerful Xbox pro controller. Without instant remapping buttons on the device, I can not say that it is the most capable, but it is very close.

The major upgrades promised by Microsoft with the Elite 2 are USB-C charging with a battery life of up to 40 hours, Bluetooth support for you to play more easily wirelessly on Xbox or PC (the old controller was using a proprietary wireless protocol) and more customization. options.

You can now switch between three profiles on the fly and use a single default. You can also make more granular customizations using the companion app Xbox Accessories, such as adjusting the joystick voltage. The new version also supports shorter trigger locks and even allows you to use an "offset" option. You can hold down a button and have it activate new remapped commands for one of the other controller buttons. As I already mentioned, one of the features of the Elite 2 controller seems to be missing: instant button remapping, a feature of Scuf's competing Vantage controller and the Astro C40 TR. But with the extra profile options, this should not be too much of a problem.

As for the appearance and texture of the device, it still has the same high-end finish that makes it think of a high-quality gadget. It now comes with a wraparound rubberized grip that makes it much more comfortable to hold. In fact, I was surprised at how much the Elite 2 was light, compared to the Astro C40 TR of similar size. Despite the lightness of the construction, nothing is cheaper for the redesigned handles or the trigger system largely unchanged.

The Xbox Elite 2 retains the four-pallet design, which should allow it to remain competitive with the most hardcore gamepads of companies like AimControllers, Battle Beaver Customs, Evil Controllers and Scuf. (One of the big drawbacks of the Astro C40 is that it only has two paddles.) The device seems to be the ideal option for more serious Xbox players, and PS4 owners should rightly render jealous Sony. version of his own.

The device will be launched Nov. 4 in 24 countries for $ 179.99. You can pre-order it now from Microsoft's dedicated product page on "data-chorus-optim-field =" main_image "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAAwAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs "data-cid =" site / dynamic_size "" {"asset_id": 16329475, "ratio": "*"}


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