Microsoft’s Ugly Christmas Sweater Sells Faster Than Xbox


Bad luck, Christmas fashion fans. If you were hoping to get your hands on the hottest sweater released this season – Microsoft’s Ugly Christmas Sweater – it’s already sold out.

Every year Microsoft releases a new ugly sweater to add to the, frankly, spooky collection. In recent years, Windows 95 and Windows XP have received the Christmas jumper treatment.


This year it was MS Paint, the free art software that has come with Windows for decades. But if you were prepared to hand over your $ 70 for this shocking knit, you’re out of luck – they sold out faster than the latest Microsoft consoles in the Microsoft Store.

Microsoft’s annual Ugly Sweater release isn’t just a PR treat. A portion of the proceeds from the sale also go to a good cause, and this year the benefactor was Girls Who Code, a nonprofit dedicated to bringing more women into IT.

Microsoft has a long history of questionable knits. Founder Bill Gates was often photographed in chunky knitwear during the early days of the company. Even in the 1980s, it was never the height of fashion.

Even to this day, Gates is still seen in questionable sweaters.

Maybe that’s why he’s barely involved at Microsoft: his face just didn’t knit. (Sorry.)


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