Mike Francesa goes crazy on Boomer, Gio on Corey Ballentine's controversy


First time, long time … and disconcerting.

Mike Francesa, furious, called Boomer & Gio, WFAN's morning show, after Boomer Esiason described Francesa as "silly," referring to Francesa criticizing the Giants after filming their sixth choice round, Corey Ballentine. Ballentine's best friend and teammate, Dwane Simmons, was killed in this incident.

When Francesa made her first comments, we did not know why Simmons and Ballentine were the victims. Francesa still used it as part of a rant against Giants General Manager Dave Gettleman and the franchise, describing them at the end as a "laughing stock."

Reports up to now indicate that both were innocent victims.

Francesa's rage continues in a sad spiral after her return from a false retreat a year ago. It's more and more difficult to imagine that 65-year-old Francesa – who has become the icon of the radio with her former partner, Chris Russo – does not leave the station at one time or another.

On Tuesday, Boomer & Gio explained how Francesa had suddenly criticized the Giants after supporting them for years. The duo speculated that Francesa was no longer fed with information, so he hammered Gettleman. Eli Manning also canceled his weekly paid slot with Francesa for this season.

Boomer & Gio commented on Francesa's video, which took on importance after being published on Twitter @BackAftaThis, in which Francesa said the Giants had talked about bringing characters with strong characters, then one of their new choices was shot. Esiason called it "silly" to connect the two things together.

Francesa's main argument is that he said "if" during his critics. During the clip, Francesa put him down a bit, but he was clearly making connections between the two, which is insensitive and irresponsible given his schedule.

Francesa, who is consistently lying and said in the past that he never listened to "Boomer & Gio", called the station after hearing the message and lasted a little over five minutes, mostly spent with Francesa scream.

The morning co-facilitator, Gregg Giannotti, finally had a say and said calmly, "My argument would be the" if "it's just useless to talk about it when we talked about it …"

"That's good," Francesa interrupted, roaring, "You're doing your show, I'm going to do mine."

Giannotti chose not to fight back against Francesa. The two did not agree, Francesa having declared that the usurpation of his identity by Giannotti "smelled". Giannotti called Francesa "narcissistic" and "uncertain tyrant."

Francesa said, "You spend enough time talking about me. Sometimes imitating me. At least, do it right.

When Giannotti tried to convince Francesa to confirm her comments, Francesa said that Giannotti had taken his statements "completely out of context".

Giannotti chose to retreat and not to shout back to Francesa. After Francesa's departure, Giannotti said that he had decided to let Francesa speak to allow her to argue her case. Esiason and Giannotti later joked about the fact that Francesa would not have acted the same if anyone had called on her show. Francesa was trying to distance herself from what he had said.

"When you finish your draft and you point out how you managed to get the right kind of guys, the guys you want in the team, guys who are going to be great characters and you insist as hard as you the Giants, it really hurts when one of them gets shot on a Saturday night, "Francesa said in her initial comments. "It does not look good. It's a bit the same for the Giants, who just can not escape, no matter what they say.

"It's sad to see the Giants become a laughing stock around the league."

Esiason and Giannotti are not the only ones who found Francesa's words inappropriate. Ballentine's father, Karl Vaughn, told Kate Sheehy of The Post that the incident took place "in the wrong place, at the wrong time" and Francesa would have liked to have a son like Ballentine.

Francesa could have simply excused herself and said that he judged quickly. Instead, he watched blaming anyone, blazing Tuesday morning at "Boomer & Gio".


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