Mila Kunis Explains Why Family Guy Is The Greatest Job Ever


In addition, Juliette Lewis talks about the making of “Strange Days” with Kathryn Bigelow.

With Tate taylorstar-studded crime comedy Latest news in Yuba County opening in some cinemas and on demand this weekend I was recently able to speak with Mila kunis and Juliette Lewis to do black comedy. If you haven’t seen the trailers, the movie stars Allison janney as a housewife who becomes a local celebrity after her husband (Matthew Modine) disappears. As the investigation escalates, she finds herself dodging a suspicious cop (Regina hall), a local journalist (Kunis) who happens to be his half-sister, an aspiring gangster (Awkwafina), and her husband’s impassive brother (Jimmi Simpson), who all want to know what really happened. The film also plays Wanda sykes, Ellen barkin, Samira wiley, Bridget everett, Clifton Collins Jr. and Keong sim.

During the broad conversation, they each shared their reasons for wanting to be a part of Latest news in Yuba County, how the movie has a little more violence than you might think, why each of the supporting actors is an actor you’ll recognize, and more. In addition, Kunis talks about Family guy and why it’s the best job she’s ever had, Lewis shares what it was to do Kathryn bigelow Strange days, and each reveals who helped them make the transition from child star to successful adult.

Check out what each of them had to say in the player above and below, that’s exactly what we talked about.


Image via MGM

Mila Kunis and Juliette Lewis:

  • Does Kunis think Family guy will exceed The simpsons and how long can Seth MacFarlane continue?

  • Lewis on what it was to do Strange days and what do we need to do to make Kathryn Bigelow make more movies?

  • Why did they all want to be part of Latest news in Yuba County?

  • How the movie has a little more violence than you think

  • How each of the supporting actors is a person you know.

  • How does everyone give credit for helping them grow from star kids to successful working adults in the industry?


Image via MGM

‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ trailer teaser reveals Henry Cavill’s Superman laser eyes

The new HBO Max movie trailer arrives this weekend.

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