Miley Cyrus Yells & # 39; Free Britney & # 39; at the Beale Street Festival


Miley Cyrus

Stokes #FreeBritney …

At the Beale Street Festival

04/05/2019 18:45 PDT


Miley Cyrus seems to believe Britney Spears was recently detained against her will in a mental health facility … and the evidence is an adaptation of the lyrics of her greatest song.

Miley was performing in Memphis, TN on Saturday at the Beale Street Music Festival, and while she was singing "Party in the USA". … Britney's part of her air was remixed by Miley herself … which fueled a conspiracy theory that came into being during Brit's stay in a mental health facility.

The moment in question is almost as famous as the song itself – Miley sings the chorus, "And a Britney song was aired" three times at about halfway through, but during Saturday's performance. she shouted "Free Britney!" while her fans were singing the usual words of the crowd – a clear indication that she was behind the #FreeBritney campaign.

As we told you, many Britney fans were afraid to be held in captivity at the mental health facility where she was being treated, under the control of those who lead his conservative life.

Britney herself tried to eliminate this notion in ensure his fans that she was fine, NOT being controlled by anyone … and doing what was best for her at the time.

Even after Britney checked herself from the establishment after his 30 day stay, it seems like the #FreeBritney thing is going on.


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