Milky Way iPhone photo shows stunning result with ProRAW


An astronomer showed off a very impressive iPhone photo of the Milky Way, taken with the iPhone 12 Pro Max using the camera’s ProRAW mode.

Tom Kerss says this image isn’t even the best possible result with the phone …

It tweeted image, expressing appreciation for the capabilities of the device.

We have to talk about the astrographic potential of modern smartphone cameras. This image was taken from data captured using an iPhone 12 Pro Max. The sensor pixels are only 1.7 microns! It’s ridiculously capable for its size and provides usable data thanks to 12-bit DNG – “ProRAW”.

The image shows the Summer Triangle with a bright region of the Milky Way (clouds of stars in the spiral arm that we inhabit) as well as a meteor (possibly the beginning of the Perseids) – yes, c ‘is in the data. There is more leeway but I just don’t have time for a long workflow right now.

To be clear, it’s not perfect. The usual aberrations linked to astro are there. But these could be fixed on the device with the right approach. […]

Over the next Clear Spell, I have a lot more to experiment with, but needless to say, there are piles of untapped potential.

Taking photos of the Milky Way usually involves taking multiple photos and stacking them in the edit. Some images involve 30 or more separate photos, with different exposures used to capture both the foreground sky and the night, and multiple Milky Way exposures used to determine what a star is and what the noise is. ‘picture.

Shooting in RAW is always recommended, to maximize the data that can be extracted from the image and to be able to adjust the white balance. Apple’s own RAW implementation, ProRAW, is only available on the iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max.

Kerss is a freelance astronomer who was previously responsible for public astronomy at Greenwich Observatory in London. It offers a free online course in stargazing on its website, Stargazing London.

If you’ve ever taken your own photo of the Milky Way iPhone, please share a link in the comments. Disqus spam-trap tends to block links, so putting a space in it should prevent this.

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