Milley insisted on claims he feared Trump would attempt a coup


“I’m not going to comment on what’s in any of these books,” Milley said.

But Milley pointed out that he and other senior military leaders have always “kept” their oaths to the Constitution and not to an individual. “I want you to know, and I want everyone to know, I want America to know, that the US military is a non-partisan institution. We were then; we are now. And our oath is to the Constitution. , not to any individual And the military has not and should never get involved in domestic politics. We will not arbitrate elections. It is the job of the judiciary and the legislature and the American people. It is not the job of the military United States. We have stayed out of politics. We are an apolitical institution.

The senior US general reiterated that he always presented the best military advice to Trump and President Joe Biden: “I have always personally provided the best professional military advice to President Trump before, President Biden or any other president.” .

This story is out and will be updated.


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