Mindy Kaling devastated by joke about her body in ‘The Office’ – The Hollywood Reporter


Mindy Kaling reflects on a moment with a fellow TV writer that affected the kinds of stories she writes and the characters she plays on screen.

Talk to Hello america, the I have never co-creator and Mindy Project star said its time to work on Office as a writer and actress her life and career have completely changed, helping her train in acting and influencing her work ethic. But when she was 25 and working on the hit NBC series, a colleague from another writers’ room initiated an interaction suggesting that her character could lose 15 pounds. Kaling, who said she already gets up early to go to the gym before work, called the experience “really devastating.”

“It’s my biggest insecurity and someone just called her,” she said.

The writer and actress said the incident forced her to look inside and think about how others were reacting to her and her body. “I had a calculation where I said to myself: ‘People are scrutinizing [me], and not only do they scrutinize [me], they express their displeasure with my appearance because I don’t look a certain way.

“This kind of dissonance has really affected a lot of what I write about [and] the kind of characters that I play, ”she added. “Almost all of these kinds of things [in my work] come from something really real.

This includes his latest project, the Netflix teen romantic comedy. I have never. It is a project, the New York Times says the bestselling author, with a real, normal character that young viewers can “look and feel seen”.

“I was obsessed with TV as a kid and it informed my worldview and it informed who I was drawn to. It informed so much, right? And it makes me so happy that this show could be. on Netflix 40 million people can watch it, it’s # 1 in the world and it features a dark skinned Indian girl, ”she said.

It is different from what the Ride in time The star says she lived when she was growing up and was looking for portrayal of different body types on screen.

“On TV, if you were really thin, then you could be the leader. Otherwise, you had to weigh 250 pounds, and you had to be slapstick comic relief. But what was crazy, what was left out, was like this line of people who are a majority of American women over the age of 24, ”she said. “What if you were like a [size] 12 years old and you just wanna live your life and look cute and hang out with you? At that time, when I was writing Is Everyone hangs out without me? [in 2011] it was like a no man’s land. It has really changed, I think.


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