Minneapolis City Council approves $ 27 million settlement to George Floyd’s estate


“The horrific death of George Floyd, witnessed by millions of people around the world, triggered a deep and undeniable desire for justice and change,” Ben Crump, a lawyer for the Floyd’s family, said in a statement. “The fact that the biggest pre-trial settlement in a wrongful death case would be for the life of a black man sends a powerful message that black lives are important and police brutality against people of color must end. “

The news comes as jury selection is underway for the trial of Derek Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer accused of killing Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, in May 2020 by kneeling on his neck for nearly eight minutes.

Floyd’s last words included “I can’t breathe”, and his last living moments were recorded on video. His death led to widespread protests against police brutality and racism under the Black Lives Matter banner as well as incidents of unrest and looting.

Chauvin pleaded not guilty to unintentional second degree murder and second degree manslaughter. He also pleaded not guilty to third degree murder, which was reinstated in the case on Thursday.

George Floyd’s sister Bridgett Floyd said on Friday the family were “happy that this part of our tragic journey to justice for my brother George is resolved.”

Mayor Jacob Frey tweeted: “The past year has radically changed the course of our city and today marks another important milestone in building a fairer future for Minneapolis. Our settlement with the family of George Floyd reflects a shared commitment to advancing racial justice and a sustained effort for progress. “

In July, Floyd’s family filed a federal lawsuit against the city of Minneapolis and the four former officers involved in his death.

The lawsuit said the city fostered a culture of excessive force and impunity within the police force and failed to fire dangerous officers.


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