Minnesota lawmaker’s residence search reveals cases of domestic assault


While searching the residence of State Representative John Thompson, FOX 9 uncovered four cases of domestic violence with allegations that Thompson hit, hit and strangled women.

According to police reports from 2003 to 2009, in some cases the assaults occurred in the presence of young children.

Questions about Thompson’s residence were raised after he was arrested by St. Paul Police on July 4 for not having a front license plate.

Thompson, who accused St. Paul police of racially profiling him, presented a Wisconsin driver’s license during the stop, a license he renewed in November 2020, when he was elected to the legislature of Minnesota.

Cases of domestic violence date back to October 2003, in Superior, Wisconsin, when Thompson was arrested after allegedly hitting his girlfriend in the face with an open and closed fist. The woman’s five-year-old daughter witnessed the assault, which occurred in the parking lot of a supermarket.

Thompson’s girlfriend said she and her child were homeless and refused to cooperate.

Superior police said Thompson fled the scene and resisted arrest when he was found soon after. Thompson ultimately pleaded guilty in Douglas County, Wisconsin, to a reduced charge of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Thompson allegedly attacked the same girlfriend nearly a year later, in August 2004, in her Eagan apartment. Police arrived after hanging up on 911.

She said during an argument with Thompson, he broke the phone cord and put both hands around her neck and started choking her.

During the fight, Thompson reportedly said, “I’ll suffocate you until you can’t breathe.”

She said she ran out of the apartment screaming, but Thompson grabbed her and dragged her to the apartment. She said she even tried to escape through a window.

She told police that Thompson got angry when she dialed 911 from another phone and started “hitting her on the head, punching her in the face, then he grabbed her and thrown on the kitchen table, which broke “.

She said three children – her daughter and Thompson’s two sons – witnessed most of the assault.

The girlfriend told police that during an argument at the apartment complex’s pool the day before, Thompson allegedly belittled her daughter, calling her a series of curses, which culminated in, “F—- you, f—— your daughter, I hope you both die. “

The woman said that she and her daughter had recently moved to Eagan, didn’t know anyone and had no money. Eagan police took her and her daughter to a domestic violence shelter.

The case has been referred to Child Protection and the Dakota County District Attorney for consideration of possible charges.

In September 2009, St. Paul police officers responded to a domestic violence call involving Thompson and two women. Thompson and the women were arguing over a cell phone he received from another girlfriend. It is not clear from the report whether this is the girlfriend of the previous cases.

During this 2009 incident, according to reports, as the screaming intensified, Thompson pulled his penis out in front of his girlfriend and two young children and said, “I’m the man, you all can— – my d—-. “

Thompson denied ever exposing himself. The Ramsey County District Attorney declined to press charges.

St. Paul Police responded to another domestic assault involving another woman in March 2010. The victim said she has been with Thompson for 11 years and they have two children together.

During an argument, Thompson allegedly removed his penis from his pants and told him to “kiss the end”, in front of parents and children.

Later, she told police, Thompson grabbed her by the neck with both hands and said, “I’m going to suffocate you until your voicemail stops.”

According to police reports, the Ramsey County District Attorney refused to charge the case “due to several issues, a delayed 911 call, poor witness information, (and) the victim said that ‘she had been fired and does not remember who attacked whom first.

Thompson’s attorney Jordan Kushner told FOX 9 via email: “Mr. Thompson denies the allegations. The end results speak for themselves.”

Kushner appears to be referring to the fact that only one case resulted in criminal charges.

Thompson is currently on trial in Hennepin County on a disorderly conduct case that arose out of a visit to the North Memorial Hospital, where Thompson and others were told to leave.

Kushner added: “We are currently focused on the trial and don’t have time to dissect these police reports from 10 to 18 years ago.”


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