Missing filmmaker found dead under garbage in New York


This article is republished here with permission from The Associated Press. This content is shared here as the topic may be of interest to Snopes readers; however, it does not represent the work of fact-checkers or Snopes editors.

NEW YORK (AP) – An Emmy-winning production designer who is known to be a collector has been found dead under a pile of trash at her New York home.

Evelyn Sakash, 66, was found lying on the floor of her kitchen on Tuesday buried under garbage, a police spokesperson said.

Sakash was found by her sister, who had hired a cleaning crew to clean the woman’s house in the College Point section of Queens and search for her, police said. The sister and housekeepers were reunited with Sakash around 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, they said.

Sakash was a set designer who had worked on films including “Mermaids,” released in 1990, and “Still Alice” from 2014, according to her IMDB page. She won a Daytime Emmy Award in 2003 for “Between the Lions”.

A police report on a missing person says Sakash was last seen alive on September 30, 2020. The city’s medical examiner’s office will determine the cause of her death.


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