Mississippi jury awards $ 3 million to black strippers in discrimination case


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By Associated press

JACKSON, Miss. – A Mississippi jury awarded a total of more than $ 3 million to five African-American strippers after a federal judge found that women were working in worse conditions than their white colleagues.

US District Judge Henry T. Wingate ruled in the discrimination case last year. After a trial that lasted almost a week on the issue of damages, jurors decided on Wednesday that women would share $ 3.3 million of past and future salary arrears and suffering.

Danny's downtown cabaret lawyer, Bill Walter, said Friday that he would ask Wingate to cut the price. If Wingate does not agree, Walter says he's going to appeal.

"Obviously, the client is disappointed with the verdict," Walter said.

The Commission for Equal Opportunities in Employment sued Danny many years ago, claiming that Jackson's club was limited when black women could work and fined $ 25. if they did not show up. The commission stated that the white strippers had flexible hours at the club and were not subject to any fines for missing work.

Danny's director also used racist slurs against a black dancer, and Danny's owners forced Black women to work at another Jackson's club, Black Diamonds, where conditions and safety were worse and dancers were less well paid.

Marsha Rucker, the EEOC's regional attorney in Birmingham, Alabama, said in a statement that the commission "will protect employees from any industry subject to such flagrant and repeated discrimination".

"This case shows that the EEOC will sue any employer, exploiting any type of business, who violates federal anti-discrimination laws, especially those who will not stop discriminating even after having multiple opportunities." to do it, "said Rucker. "The jury … sent a powerful message to Danny & # 39; s and any employer who believes himself above the law."


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